Yu Haibin

Currently I am a machine learning engineer at TikTok . My work is on TikTok live strategy recommendation. Previously, I was a machine learning engineering at Tencent , where I took charge in the recommendation algorithms and strategies for Tencent’s advertisement through modeling technologies including deep learning, representation learning, multi-task learning, causal inference, and sequence modeling. My research expertise lies in probabilistic machine learning, optimization, generative modeling, approximate inference and recommendation systems.

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What's New
  • May 2024: Our paper "Ads Recommendation in a Collapsed and Entangled World" is accepted to KDD 2024!

  • May 2024: Invited to serve as a reviewer for NeurIPS 2024!

  • Dec 2022: Our paper "Recursive Reasoning-Based Training-Time Adversarial Machine Learning" is accepted to Artificial Intelligence!

  • Nov 2022: Our paper "AdaTask: A Task-aware Adaptive Learning Rate Approach to Multi-task Learning" is accepted to AAAI 2023!

  • May 2022: Our paper "On Provably Robust Meta-Bayesian Optimization" is accepted to UAI 2022!

  • Mar 2022: Invited to serve as a reviewer for NeurIPS 2022

  • Nov 2021: Invited to serve as a reviewer for ICML 2022

Publications (* indicates equal contribution)
Awards and Honors
  • Outstanding Graduate of Beihang University,    2014

  • Singapore-MIT Alliance for Research and Technology (SMART) Graduate Fellowship,    2014-2018

  • JDDiscovery Population Dynamics Census and Prediction Competition 2018 (annual competition hosted by JD.com): global champion, ranked 1st among > 2,100 teams, Jan 2019 (News in English, News in Chinese)

Professional Services
Academic Talks
  • Why Probabilistic Machine Learning Comes to Rescue,    2019.10
    • Wilmar@NUS Lab, NUS, Singapore
  • Implicit Posterior Variational Inference for Deep Gaussian Processes,    2019.11
    • AI Seminar, NUS, Singapore
  • Bayesian Machine Learning and Automatic Machine Learning Come to Rescue,    2019.12
    • Sun Yat-sen University Forum for International Young Scholars, Guangzhou, China
  • Bayesian Machine Learning and Automatic Machine Learning Come to Rescue,    2020.06
    • Soochow University Forum for International Young Scholars, Suzhou, China
Last updated on April 2024. Website borrowed from Dai Zhongxiang.